Thursday was a huge day. I got to NYU at 7 AM. I was taken in for my blood test within minutes and then had my sonogram.
This time, the sonogram felt very uncomfortable. It was like I had a full bladder, which I didn't, and there was enormous pressure from the sonogram 'thingie' when the doctor was searching for the follicles. The doctor took, what seemed like forever, to search around for the follicles. She then told me that she found some follicles. I believe she said she found about 6 or 7 follicles (how could they not know the exact amount)? I asked how large they were and she said they were all around 9 mm. I could be wrong about that though. I was just happy they found something and the stimming was working. I asked if it was normal to only find 6 or 7 at this point and she said it was average. I thought the number was low and the doctors probably say 'average' not to upset you.
The doctor did say that I could make more eggs if I stimmed more (which she said I probably would do another round or two of Gonal F at 450 IU). She also added that I could also do another stim and retrieval process. That made me feel uneasy because it was tough for me to borrow the fee for this process as it was. I certainly could not do another. Literally, all my eggs were riding on this one procedure. If I even got a couple of eggs from this process, I would feel more
comfortable then never having done it.
I did ask for sonogram pictures of the follicles before the doctor even started looking. Yes, she did look at me a bit funny. I asked if anyone else ever ask for pictures and she said, yes, 'a few'. I have this nagging feeling I might be the only one though the way she said it.
The doctor mentioned that since they had not hit the optimum size, I would need to stim a bit more as well as start Antagon in a day or two to ensure I do not ovulate. I was done by about 7:20.
I headed out to Metro Drugs downtown and picked up my refills on Gonal F. At about 2, I got a call from the nurse at NYU informing me of the results of my blood test from the morning and instructions for the next several days. I asked the nurse if she felt 6 or 7 follicles were about average and she indicated that my chart showed 9 follicles. I think I wasn't listening carefully to the doctor. I would love to know what was really found. I guess I have to wait until Saturday.
The sonogram picture is interesting. I definitely see what appears to be 6 follicles on 3 pictures. I cannot tell if it is 6 in total for one ovary or 6 in one ovary and some more in another. When I figure out how to post pictures here, maybe someone can help me read it. I will ask for help reading a sonogram on Saturday as well. best to be an informed patient!
My results and instructions were as follows:
E2 / Estrogen is now 541! Yeah me!!
LH is 1.4. The nurse said that was good. I have to look that up myself and see how 'good' it really is.
On Thursday night (tonight), I am to take 375 IU of Gonal F. I just did that so I am all set for tonight.
On Friday morning, I am to start the Antagon. It is a pre-filled syringe so all I have to do is open it and shoot up. The nurse did mention there is some air in the needle and explained how to get that out.
On Friday evening, I am to shoot up 375 IU of Gonal F.
On Saturday morning, I am supposed to shoot up a vile of Antagon and go into to NYU for more blood work and a new sonogram.
I am all set now to research the LH level and estrogen level and then head to bed. I still feel very bloated and I assume I am going to feel more 'bloaty' as I stim more. I am also not that hungry because I feel stuffed all the time. Today, I only had an egg on a roll right after the NYU visit and I just had a bowl of cereal. That's it. It was more than enough. I am also going to start drinking a lot more water. Maybe that will help with the bloaty feeling. It could also make it worse but whatever (as I always say).