Sunday, December 14, 2008


So, my retrieval was the 28th of November. I expected, from my research, to get my period about 11 days later. On December 8, it came, like clockwork. It came mid-day and starting early in the morning, I had the worst possible migraine I have had in years. I vomited most of the day.

I had no Imitrex so the day was torture for me. I knew my period was coming because usually my migraines come when my period comes and I can easily treat them with Imitrex. I ran out of Imitrex and the pharmacy was not open so early in the AM so the migraine could not be aborted. Thus, I suffered all day. Eventually, when the vomited eased up, I tried Alleve. Thank goodness it worked. It never had worked for me before. I ate that night and felt ok the next morning. Not great but well enough to handle a court case I had.

As for my period, it was not that much more uncomfortable than usual. I just felt a tad more bloated but not much more than usual. It lasted several days and petered out as it usually does. I think I stopped spotting yesterday.

I still await a call from NYU about my follow-up appointment.