I continue taking the early morning Antagon shot and I left for NYU by 630 AM. I was NYU nice and early this morning and had a sonogram and bloodtest. It was uneventful other than the doctor who did my sonogram today mentioned that my retrieval day might be Thursday or Friday. My personal doctor (who did my sonogram on Saturday) said most likely retrieval day will be Thursday (which is what I am hoping for). I did get sonogram pictures from the visit today which I will post in the morning.
The nurse called as usual in the early after noon advising me of the next days schedule. My estrogen now measures 1645 so it is increasing nicely. Because of this, my Gonal F was decreased from 300 IU to 225 IU for tonight. I will continue to take the Antagon tomorrow morning. I have to head back to NYU in the morning to have yet another blood test and sonogram. Tomorrow muight or might not be my trigger day.
The only thing that I have noticed is the 'bloaty' feeling has gone down (maybe I am used to it). I am exhausted all the time. I take tons of long naps. I also get a bit sick / 'vomity' mid-afternoon since about 2 days ago. The doctor I had the sonogram with today said it is because of all the hormones. I don't get that reasoning because aren't my hormones decreasing now? I have a feeling it has something to do with the Antagon.