Sunday, November 16, 2008

UGH...My Head is Killin' Me!

I just took my 225 IU Gonal F shot tonight and I cannot bear to post much. My head is killing me. I got a little headache reprieve towards the late late afternoon but after just taking my PM shop, it started up. I also feel a tad vomity but that could be the small amount of ice cream I just ate. I am going to bed.

My Eggs are Making my Head Hurt....

I took my AM dose of 225 IU of Gonal F this morning and my head was killing me all day. Why is it when there is a side effect to a medication, in this case 22% of Gonal F users get headaches, that I get the side effect? I know I cannot take Ibuprofen or aspirin so I have to wait until tomorrow, 2 more doses later, to see if I can take anything. :(