Saturday, January 30, 2010

Abstract for the Recent Study on Eggs

Earlier I posted about the ABC news piece regarding a recently published 'egg study'. The abstract can be reviewed here:

ABC World News Tonight Video about New Fertility Study

UPDATE: Watch Kate Snow's news piece here:

Nothing new but the % they cite are quite shocking.

We are born with about 300,000 eggs.

At age 30, only 12% of eggs remain or 36,000 eggs.

At age 40, only 3% eggs remain or 9,000 eggs. Remember those 9,000 are not as 'good' as the eggs you had at 30.

Still......quality is more important than quantity and it only takes one good egg.

Interesting Egg Freezing Video Posted

Two bits of information I wanted to post.

1) Only 12% of your eggs remain at age 30 and 3% of your eggs remain at age 40. Yikes. (Heard that stat on ABC World News last night).

2) Interesting video posted here showing the vitrification process:

The facts stated in the video seem 'off' though. I thought that egg freezing was founded in Italy; the narrator of this video claim it was Japan. They also claim that only 6% of eggs that were slowly frozen survived freezing whereas over 90% of eggs survive a thaw after vitrification. Those percentages sound way off. I like the video though for showing the process rather than what they are saying because in reality, all these videos are simply advertisements for the center itself.