Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I was at the Center at 715 AM and had only a blood test. What a let down! I was hoping to see the beginnings of my future clan! I was out of there in 15 minutes feeling kind of empty.

At 2 PM, I received a call from the nurse with my instructions for the next 2 days. Tuesday PM, take 450 IU of Gonal F. Wednesday PM, take 450 IU of the Gonal F. On Thursday morning, I am to report back to the Center for a blood test and sonogram. I also was told to take medication with me to the Center. I think she said to take the Gonadatropin. But, now I realize the Gonadatropin (I call it Gonal F) will be all gone by that morning. Why am I taking it with me anyway? I have to call tomorrow to confirm what I am doing. I was online at Katz's Deli when the nurse called and was all a flutter in knishes, fries, corned beef, kraut, cream soda and hot dogs. No, it wasn't all for me and yes, I do have heartburn now.

I did ask one question that was sort of silly...I asked if my numbers in the morning blood test were good. OK, maybe it isn't a silly question but WTF do I know what is good or not? What numbers was I talking about? The nurse said, yes, they were good. 185. 185? What's that? I said, oh, ok. I will see you Thursday and hung up. WTF?

OK, so I get home and try and google 185, fertility, gonal f, etc. I don't find a thing. I am guessing it has something to do with estradiol but I am not sure. I went on craigs list and posted a question in trying to conceive. no response back yet. I am rechecking there constantly. I wish someone would answer.

OK, time to shoot up.

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